Jamal Jivanjee

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Pro Tip # 5: "Success" & "Failure" Are Unnecessary Mental Concepts That Restrict The Blossoming of Life...

Concepts like "success" and "failure" are unnecessary mental concepts that restrict the blossoming of life.

What is success? Are you "successful"?

For most people, the idea of success involves some form of comparison. Comparison of yourself with another, or comparison of yourself with a past version of yourself. If you are ‘ahead’ of another person, or where you have been in your past, you feel like a success. 

Failure, on the other hand, is an energy we experience when we feel behind another person, or where we think we should be in life. Failure and success are two sides of the ‘ego’ coin. They are impediments to life. 

Life is not successful, nor is life a failure. Life simply is. When we allow life to be exactly the way it is today without any comparison to another or the past, we can cooperate with life the way it is now, not resist it because we want to be a ‘success’ or have fear of being a failure. 

When life is not resisted, it will naturally blossom and reach its full potential. 

Are you blossoming today? 

Jamal Jivanjee

Life Coach

P.S. If you’d like a further breakdown of this important Pro Tip, you can watch a fuller video explanation on my YouTube channel HERE.

P.S. If you’d like to explore how my life coaching program may help you blossom in life, click HERE.