Pro Tip # 6: Anxiety and fear of being judged by others is actually a sign of an inflamed ego...
Anxiety and fear of being judged by others is actually a sign of an inflamed ego.
The truth is, people really don’t think or obsess about you, what you are doing, or what you’re not doing, in the way that you like to think they are. That anxious thought pattern is a symptom of an overactive egoic coping mechanism stemming from a deep sense of personal insignificance at the level of the unconscious mind.
Obsessing over the perceptions and judgements of others is a passive way to try to feel significant about yourself.
I’ve come to realize that people are largely in their own world mentally, and people primarily think of themselves. This is not good or bad, it just is.
People tend to think of you to the degree that you affect them in the time frame you are affecting them. That’s it. Very very few people, if any, are ever obsessing over you and your activities. This can be a difficult realization for many.
As difficult as this may be to accept, this is an important reality to recognize for two reasons.
First, preoccupation with the opinions and thoughts of others will result in manipulative behavior on your end. You will do or not do certain things in order to get others to think or feel about you the way you want them to think or feel about you. Not only is this un-empowering as you have zero control over what others may think or perceive, this will create a profoundly self serving life on your end.
Secondly, obsessive concern of what others think or perceive about you will prevent you from seeking the highest good for others. The most fulfilled people in life do what is needed with the motivation being the betterment of others, not is what is the most safe, popular, or self serving.
The key to doing what is needed in this world, free of the obsession of what others may think or perceive about you, is experiencing your own inherent significance. Without this essential experience of your highest significant self, your ego will remain traumatized and inflamed seeking external validation through others and fearing the lack of it.
The truth is, you are significant because you exist. That's it.
The problem is, many have not yet learned how to experience the natural significance of their life, and as a result, are desperately seeking to become something greater based upon the thoughts and perceptions of others.
You cannot become greater than you already are. This year, may we learn to experience our own inherent significance so that we can lose our lives in the service of the greater good.
P.S. If you’d like to watch a video breakdown of this pro tip in more detail, you can watch that video on my YouTube channel HERE.
P.P.S. If you’d like to explore how my life coaching program may help you experience your inherent significance, click HERE.