Episode 11: The Lie of Lack Part 1 (the good flesh)
This episode of The Love Cast, Jamal talks about how the infamous ‘lie of lack‘ has blinded us to the inherit goodness of our flesh. As human beings, we have been deeply affected by ‘the lie of lack‘. As a result, we have become blinded to our inherit goodness. Chances are, if you’ve been a part of the religious system, you know that ‘the lie of lack‘ has simply been repackaged to assault our identity by accusing our flesh of being inheritly evil.
What do the scriptures really teach about our flesh? Is our flesh inherently evil, or is our flesh inherently good?
In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal explores the root of human nature and also explores how the ‘lie of lack‘ has affected our flesh. Jamal also discusses why knowing the truth about the inherit goodness of our flesh is key to our freedom. This is part one of a very important four part series about ‘the lie of lack‘. Give this episode a careful listen.
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Jamal writes more extensively about the ‘lie of lack‘ in his book Free To Love.