Pro Tip 24: Become A Steady Response to Life Instead of A Dramatic Series of Reactions...

Pro Tip 24: Become A Steady Response to Life Instead of A Dramatic Series of Reactions...

For the vast majority of people on this planet, their personas, their preferences, their likes and dislikes, their opinions, their love affairs, their beliefs, and even their own personal identifications, are all a series of conscious and mostly unconscious reactions to the past. Reacting to the past simply perpetuates the past. In order to create something new, we must learn how to go beyond the past.

Pro Tip # 8: The more you realize that you own nothing, the less energy you will waste trying to accumulate things that you cannot keep.

Pro Tip # 8: The more you realize that you own nothing, the less energy you will waste trying to accumulate things that you cannot keep.

Your body, your money, your possessions, your relationships, and ultimately your life here on earth, is on loan to you. Trust me, you will repay this loan down to the last penny. Everything you have in your life right now, including your life, is temporary and will be given back much sooner than we think.