Pro Tip # 7: Don’t evaluate the results, evaluate the sensation...
Don’t evaluate the results, evaluate the sensation.
When you don’t know what decision to make, how to move forward in life, or how to evaluate whether something is successful and going well or not, do not evaluate the results, evaluate the sensation.
Learn to ask, "How does this experience feel in my essence right now?" Energy doesn’t lie. Learn to tune into subtle pleasantness, joy, and excitement in your being when doing an activity, or when making a decision.
Pay attention to the sensations of your life and then evaluate those sensations. Don’t worry about the ‘results’. The sensation IS the result and ultimately is your very experience of life.
Unfortunately, many of us have been taught to ignore the sensations (experience) of life in pursuit of some external future results. Striving for future results at the expense of paying attention to present tense sensations have many unintended consequences such as depression, ruined health and relationships, addictions, and even poverty.
Your life is literally the sum total of your sensations is it not?
After all, what have you truly gained if you gain all the ‘results’ in the world, but lose all your loving, peaceful, and abundant sensations? Is that living?
P.S. If you’d like to watch a video breakdown of this pro tip in more detail, you can watch that video on my YouTube channel HERE.
P.S. If you’d like to explore how my life coaching program may help you tap into a life of sustainable success, click HERE.