As a result of successfully completing this dynamic program, I can attest that I am a better coach, healer, and human being. I am more equipped now than ever before to take the next step forward in my work to end human suffering.
You Are NOT Your Story...
I've discovered that all human beings have a story about themselves. Much of this story is unconscious, and some of it is conscious. Our story is stored in the body / mind and is largely made up of two categories:
1. Past events and situations.
2. Perceptions about those events and situations.
When we are born, all of us are born into the context of someone else's story. This history (story rooted in the past) begins with our parents' stories. Our parents' history is the sum of the events and situations they experienced, and the perceptions about themselves based upon their conscious and unconscious perceptions of those events and situations.
Are You A Fan?
My Father Died Last Week - (Insights Gleamed)
Why Many Are Traumatized With The Recent U.S. Election Results...
When we accuse someone of being evil or wrong for their political views that may differ from ours, we are using accusation to try to make ourselves feel justified and safe. This is the bedrock of manipulative behavior that is all too often used in religion and politics.
Whenever we use language of accusation against someone for their political views, we unconsciously disrupt their nervous system leading to a reaction in them which leads to further reaction in us.
Although we may not intend this, when we label people as wrong or evil for their political persuasions, we invalidate their sensitivities and concerns. This can be traumatizing on an individual basis, and also on a collective basis.
What My Invitation To The White House Taught Me...
It is our voice and presence that ultimately matters. It's how we show up to our day, to our relationships, and how we show up to our important work that truly makes a difference in the world and shapes our nation. Don't allow anyone to suggest otherwise. Don’t be distracted or discouraged by the illusion of someone else gaining power over you. No mater what transpires in our national elections today, you are always running your world and that is the only world that matters.
Don't Show Up To A Potluck Empty handed...
Have you ever been invited to a potluck? If you have, you know that it can be a lot of fun trying all the different dishes that each person brings. Some dishes you will naturally enjoy more than others because everyone has different tastes and preferences. When everyone brings a dish, the feast is abundant.
Did you know that relationships and connection with others is like a potluck, so to speak?
Most people are dissatisfied with their level and quality of relational connections (lonely) precisely because they keep showing up to the potluck of life empty handed.
Pro Tip 24: Become A Steady Response to Life Instead of A Dramatic Series of Reactions...
For the vast majority of people on this planet, their personas, their preferences, their likes and dislikes, their opinions, their love affairs, their beliefs, and even their own personal identifications, are all a series of conscious and mostly unconscious reactions to the past. Reacting to the past simply perpetuates the past. In order to create something new, we must learn how to go beyond the past.
Pro Tip 23: The Only Difference Between Heaven & Hell is Willingness...
Pro Tip 22: Love Must Be Assumed, Never Proved...
Pro Tip 21: Transcend 'authenticity' for actualization...
Pro Tip 20: What you fear is the dis-ease...
Pro Tip 19: Learn from Elon Musk...
In a recent interview, billionaire philanthropist, entrepreneur, and inventor Elon Musk acknowledged that he does not currently own a home…Many of us have been conditioned to think from a poverty point of reference as a default. When your starting point is a perception of lack, you will naturally seek to acquire more and more things…
Pro Tip 18: Understand that there are no ‘dark switches’ in life. There are only light switches...
Pro Tip 17: The only person that needs to change in any situation is you...
Pro Tip 16: Seek to be a benefactor in life, not a pimp...
Pro Tip # 15: You Only Hear What You Are Ready to Hear...
Pro Tip # 14: The more we try to ‘keep the peace’ with others, the more conflict and drama will ensue...
Pro Tip # 13: Anxiety, fear, & dis-empowerment is not normative and does not need to be our baseline default setting in life...
Pro Tip # 12: Many people who struggle, suffer, and who are the most impoverished in life are consistently inconsistent.
Many people who struggle, suffer, and who are the most impoverished in life seem to have one consistent pattern…they are consistently inconsistent.
They start, stop, start, stop, etc… and are always giving up on what they start soon after the novelty and excitement of beginning something new wears off.