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Pro Tip 17: The only person that needs to change in any situation is you...

The only person that needs to change in any situation is you.

The degree to which you still think someone else or something else needs to change is the degree to which you are still afflicted with a victim mindset.

This might sound harsh, but it's a reality that has the potential to shift your focus toward that which you actually have control over...Your own focus.  

Our mental focus on any subject, be it desirable or undesirable, is the attractive vibrational magnet that pulls that subject into our physical experience. 

Your focus is always the active ingredient in the creation of your present experience.

This law of the universe is not subject to your agreement or approval, it simply is. The quicker we accept this, the more we will be able to create our experience in alignment with our inherent divinely sourced desires.

Jamal Jivanjee
Life Coach
Free To Love Coaching Solutions LLC        

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