Become A Steady Response to Life Now Instead of A Dramatic Series of Reactions To The Past...
For the vast majority of people on this planet, their personas, their preferences, their likes and dislikes, their opinions, their love affairs, their beliefs, and even their own personal identifications, are all a series of conscious and mostly unconscious reactions to the past.
For example, if you grew up in a controlling environment, you may have formed a resistive persona to instruction and guidance from others (all in the name of freedom of course). This is not freedom, however, it's simply a reaction to the past.
If you grew up in an environment where you did not feel secure or accepted, you may have formed a persona that readily adopts the beliefs and behaviors of the social structures around you. If your social structure is doing or believing something in lockstep, you will tend to follow those instructions without much questioning or thought. This is not independence or freedom, it's simply a reaction to the past fear of not belonging.
If you have a strained relationship with your parents and family, you more than likely will form beliefs and create a lifestyle that is the opposite of them in the name of progress. As positive as some of these changes may be, this is not liberation, it's simply a reaction to the past.
The same is true in love and relationships. We are often drawn to people that reflect back to us something unresolved in our own parental structure that we felt we needed for ourselves, or that we desired to fix in them but were unable. This attraction becomes confused as love. Again, it's not love, it's simply a reaction to the past.
Most of these dynamics are not conscious, but they are running our lives until we become conscious of this dynamic.
It's important that we learn to loosen the grip that we have on our psychological structures that we have identified with so we can see life the way that it truly is. This is step one.
The degree to which we can begin to see life a little more clearly beyond our past reactive cycles is the degree to which we can end our own perpetual suffering.
Life does not cause suffering, but our unconscious reactions to the past certainly does.
Are you experiencing the gift and miracle of life today, or are you simply navigating a perpetual series of reactions to the past?
Jamal Jivanjee
Life Coach
Free To Love Coaching Solutions LLC
P.S. If you would like more information about how my personal life coaching process may be of benefit to you, please visit this page, fill out the form, and someone will get back with you shortly.