The line between great suffering and agitation, and the state of joy and peace, is quite thin. I would like to propose that peace and suffering are a result of one thing...
As a result of successfully completing this dynamic program, I can attest that I am a better coach, healer, and human being. I am more equipped now than ever before to take the next step forward in my work to end human suffering.
I've discovered that all human beings have a story about themselves. Much of this story is unconscious, and some of it is conscious. Our story is stored in the body / mind and is largely made up of two categories:
1. Past events and situations.
2. Perceptions about those events and situations.
When we are born, all of us are born into the context of someone else's story. This history (story rooted in the past) begins with our parents' stories. Our parents' history is the sum of the events and situations they experienced, and the perceptions about themselves based upon their conscious and unconscious perceptions of those events and situations.
Did you know that the word "fan" is a derivative of the word fanatic?
To say that someone is a fan of something is really just another way of saying that they are a fanatic about something. So, what does it mean to be a fanatic?
At death, the only thing that truly dies is the illusion of self. I’m reminded of the words of Jesus: “He who wishes to gain his life must lose it, and he who loses his life will find it".
When we accuse someone of being evil or wrong for their political views that may differ from ours, we are using accusation to try to make ourselves feel justified and safe. This is the bedrock of manipulative behavior that is all too often used in religion and politics.
Whenever we use language of accusation against someone for their political views, we unconsciously disrupt their nervous system leading to a reaction in them which leads to further reaction in us.
Although we may not intend this, when we label people as wrong or evil for their political persuasions, we invalidate their sensitivities and concerns. This can be traumatizing on an individual basis, and also on a collective basis.