Did you know that you have a story about yourself and your life?
I've discovered that all human beings have a story about themselves. Much of this story is unconscious, and some of it is conscious. Our story is stored in the body / mind and is largely made up of two categories:
1. Past events and situations.
2. Perceptions about those events and situations.
When we are born, all of us are born into the context of someone else's story. This history (story rooted in the past) begins with our parents' stories. Our parents' history is the sum of the events and situations they experienced, and the perceptions about themselves based upon their conscious and unconscious perceptions of those events and situations.
Here is the kicker...Whether we like it our not, our parents' stories directly shape our story by default. And yes, the same is true for them as well. They too were born into the context of the history of their parents as well. We could go back generation to generation and see this pattern.
Simply put, our story isn't really our story at all. The story simply gets passed down to us from generation to generation, and this is why limiting patterns and generational traumas tend to repeat. While many people think this is simply the way life is, I would counter that this isn't the way life is. This is the way the story is.
Because our story is rooted in the past (history), when we are living life identified with our story, nothing new can happen in our lives in a sustainable way. If we want to create a life that goes beyond the suffering and limitation of our parents and the preceding generations before them, we need to experience one thing.
Our life is NOT our story. Our story is the 'glasses' we see ourself and life through, but pure unadulterated life is what we see and experience only as we learn how to see ourself beyond the glasses of our story.
It is only when we learn how to perceive the vast difference between our limiting story and our infinite life, that we can honor our story, learn from our story, and heal from our story. Until we grasp this distinction, our story remains the prison cell that locks us away from our life. Many people, unfortunately, are locked away in the prison cell of their story.
This year, my hope for all of us is that we learn how to transcend our story and see our life more than we ever have before. This is our work and our mission. Are you up for it?
If so, I would like for you to watch this special video about my new program that I created for you HERE…
Don't delay because this program begins on Tuesday, January 21st. (Less than one week away)
If this video about the program resonates with you in any way, let me encourage you to send me a message HERE.
Let's transcend the story,
Jamal Jivanjee
Author / Life Coach
Free To Love Coaching Solutions LLC