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Pro Tip 19: Learn from Elon Musk...

Learn from Elon Musk

In a recent interview, billionaire philanthropist, entrepreneur, and inventor Elon Musk acknowledged that he does not currently own a home. This is a deliberate decision on his part.

Note: there is nothing wrong with property ownership at all. That’s not the point of this message.

The point is, many of us have been conditioned to think from a poverty point of reference as a default. When your starting point is a perception of lack, you will naturally seek to acquire more and more things. 

This is why the poorest of people are conditioned to be consumers. They live to consume, and trade their life away (for money) to be able to consume more thinking that « more » is wealth. 

Chronic shopping and consuming is a symptom of internal (mental / emotional / spiritual) poverty. 

Those who are truly wealthy, however, do not think like a consumer. 

Those who have an identity of abundance seek to give. 

Give what? 

Value & Presence. 

When you learn to give value and presence to your world and THE world, you will naturally begin to experience the abundant and joyful nature of life. 

The more we experience this abundant and joyful nature of existence, the more we will create and serve others from this abundant nature because we will not be operating from a survival mindset rooted in a perception of lack.

The lack mindset cannot create and serve, it can only consume (take) and seek to consume (take).

Today, you can choose to show up as a consumer, or as a giver. 

Today, may we choose to show up with our inherent value and our inherent presence so we can taste and experience the abundant nature of life.

Jamal Jivanjee
Life Coach
Free To Love Coaching Solutions LLC        

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