Episode 22: My Upcoming Meeting With Barack Obama

This episode of The Love Cast, Jamal tells a personal story about a miraculous set of events that happened a few years ago that is leading to this upcoming meeting with Barack Obama. This is not a story about politics in any way, shape, or form, but one of personal, divine love.

Please grab a cup of coffee or tea and give this entire episode a careful listen. You will be blessed!

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


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(Resource mentioned in this podcast is Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race & Inheritance by Barack Obama. This is an Amazon affiliate link.)  

Episode 21: A Response To The 2016 Elections And The State of Michigan

Episode 21 of The Love Cast, Jamal makes an honest observation of what has been occurring surrounding the 2016 presidential elections in the United States. In order to respond with love, we actually have to stop reacting. In order to stop reacting, however, we have to observe what is occurring from a different dimension. Jamal also shares some vulnerable thoughts about the state of Michigan in this conversation.

In addition to making an honest observation of the camps surrounding the election, Jamal speaks directly into each camp, how to stop being a part of the problem, and how to ultimately bring true change to the world. Grab a cup of coffee and give this episode a careful listen.

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:


Episode 20: Jamal Interviews Tim & Amelia Joy Live From North Africa!

Episode 20 of The Love Cast was recorded live from North Africa. In this episode, Jamal interviews world travelers Tim & Amelia Joy about a life changing discovery that they have made while traveling the world. Most people live their entire lives never discovering what Tim & Amelia have discovered on this trip. You don’t want to miss any part of this interview from start to finish. This is an epic interview as topics such as productivity, love, fear, false self (ego) vs. true self, surrender, and awakening are explored.

Grab a cup of coffee and give this interview a careful listen. It will change your life.

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:



(Two resources mentioned in this podcast are The Untethered Soul and The Surrender Experiment by author Michael Singer. These are Amazon affiliate links.) 

Episode 19: An Undissected Love (and a free audio book)

Episode 19 of The Love Cast includes a special gift for listeners of this podcast. Jamal’s publisher (quoir publishing) has been given permission to give away a limited amount of the audio version of Free To Love to the listeners of this podcast.

In this episode, Jamal also shares an audio chapter of Free To Love entitled An Undissected Love which talks about the existence of the all encompassing nature of love (agape, phileo, eros, storge) that dwells all together at the same time in and through us for others in an undissected way. Understanding this can cut through a lot of the fear of close relationships, and can also have a revolutionary affect on how we understand what it means to truly love one another.

Give this episode of The Love Cast a listen and find out how to get your free audio copy of Free To Love.

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:


Episode 18: Jamal Interviews Author Matt Distefano

This episode of The Love Cast, Jamal interviews new Quoir Author Matt Distefano about his upbringing in a conservative religious environment and how this led to anxiety, fear, and ultimately to a season of atheism for him. Matt also describes how he was awakened to the reality of a benevolent, peaceful, and non-violent God.

On November 7th, Matt’s newest book titled: ‘From the Blood of Abel’ will be released via Quoir publishing. This book explores the roots of human violence and how this plays into mainline religious beliefs about a violent and retributive God. ‘From the Blood of Abel’ also beautifully describes how Jesus gave us a completely new view of God from a non-violent and benevolent perspective.

Give this interview a listen and enjoy!

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:



(Resource mentioned in this podcast is: From The Blood of Able: Humanity's Root Causes of Violence And The Bible's Theological-Anthropological Solution by author Matthew J. Distefano.. This is an Amazon affiliate link.)

Episode 17: Faux Maps & French Kissing (observations from Paris)

The Love Cast goes international in this episode as Jamal shares a few important observations from Paris.

What do faux maps and french kissing have to do with the all encompassing and infinite nature of Christ? Give this episode of The Love Cast a listen as Jamal shares a few important observations from the city of light and love (Paris, France).

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:


Episode 16: Interview With Singer / Songwriter Barrett Johnson (part 2)

This is part 2 of an interview that I recently had the privilege of conducting on The Love Cast with singer / songwriter Barrett Johnson. In part 2 of this interview, Barrett talks about his deeply debilitating bout with depression, anxiety, and the healing process he’s been on. In addition to that, Barrett makes history on The Love Cast by unveiling 3 previously unrecorded songs live on this episode!

You certainly don’t want to miss those. Give part two of this interview a listen and be encouraged.

Visit barrettjohnsonmusic.com for more info about Barrett and his music.

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:



(Resource mentioned in this podcast is New Jerusalem by Barrett Johnson. This link is an Amazon affiliate link.)  

Episode 15: Interview With Singer / Songwriter Barrett Johnson (part 1)

One of my favorite people in the world is a man named Barrett Johnson. Barrett is a man with a good heart and who is truly a deep well. Barrett is also one of the most talented songwriters that I know. I am very happy to have the privilege of interviewing him here on The Love Cast.

This is part 1 of a two part interview where Barrett talks about his life’s journey, some of his religious deconstruction, and his current understanding of God and scripture. Get a cup of tea or coffee and give this a listen. You will be blessed!

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:



(Resource mentioned in this podcast is New Jerusalem by Barrett Johnson. This link is an Amazon affiliate link.)    

Episode 14: The Lie of Lack Part 4: Getting A Real Job

This episode of The Love Cast is part 4 of our series on the lie of lack where Jamal explores how the lie of lack distracts us from our true profession. Do you have a job? If so, is this job a job that flows with your true life’s work? Do you know what your true life’s work actually is? In part 4 of our series on the lie of lack, Jamal explores how the lie of lack can distract us away from our true profession. In this episode, Jamal also talks about some practical aspects of Jesus’ revolutionary teaching from Matthew 6 that will liberate us toward identifying, moving into, and remaining committed to our true life’s work. Give this episode a careful listen.

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:


Episode 13: The Lie of Lack Part 3: The Making of The Cult (both institutional & organic)

With this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal talks about how the lie of lack leads to the creation of cults and repressive religious entities. We describe what the essence of a cult actually is, and what leads well meaning people into them. Have you been, or are you in a cult? You might be surprised. Give this episode a careful listen:

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:



Episode 12: The Lie of Lack Part 2: (addiction, relationships, and the good sex)

This is part 2 of our series on The Lie of Lack. In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal explores how the Lie of Lack physically and chemically alters our bodies (flesh) through addiction, and also how this same physiological pattern of addiction manifests the lie of lack through co-dependent relationships. In addition to that, Jamal describes how the lie of lack negatively affects our sexuality and changes the trajectory of the sex act itself.

Jamal goes on to describe how the gospel (good news) reshapes our approach to relationships and how this also reshapes our approach to sex itself. Give this episode a careful listen. This episode of The Love Cast is for mature listeners.

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:


Episode 11: The Lie of Lack Part 1 (the good flesh)

This episode of The Love Cast, Jamal talks about how the infamous ‘lie of lack‘ has blinded us to the inherit goodness of our flesh. As human beings, we have been deeply affected by ‘the lie of lack‘. As a result, we have become blinded to our inherit goodness. Chances are, if you’ve been a part of the religious system, you know that ‘the lie of lack‘ has simply been repackaged to assault our identity by accusing our flesh of being inheritly evil.

What do the scriptures really teach about our flesh? Is our flesh inherently evil, or is our flesh inherently good?

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal explores the root of human nature and also explores how the ‘lie of lack‘ has affected our flesh. Jamal also discusses why knowing the truth about the inherit goodness of our flesh is key to our freedom. This is part one of a very important four part series about ‘the lie of lack‘. Give this episode a careful listen.

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:


Jamal writes more extensively about the ‘lie of lack‘ in his book Free To Love.

Episode 10: Moving Beyond A Codependent Relationship With God

This episode of The Love Cast, Jamal talks about why a codependent relationship with God is just as unhealthy as any other codependent relationship. Jamal goes on to talk about Jesus’ interaction with the Samaritan woman from John 4 as an example of what a vibrant inter-dependent relationship with God can look like, and how this differs from the typical codependent relationship with God that the religious system has conditioned us for.

Finally, Jamal also shares how the attempt of many Christians to relate to the historical person of Jesus (who is no longer here on the earth) actually blinds us from the reality of Christ who is here. Throw some headphones in, and give this episode a careful listen.

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:


Episode 9: An Interview With Author Wayne Jacobsen (part 2)

This episode of The Love Cast is part 2 of Jamal’s interview with best selling author Wayne Jacobsen. In part 2 of this conversation, Wayne touches on the back story behind each one of his books, including the New York Times best selling book The ShackHe Loves MeFinding Church, and So You Don’t Want To Go To Church Anymore.

Wayne also discusses the motion picture of The Shack that is scheduled for release early next year. Give this conversation a listen as you will hear nuggets of a new reality!

For more information about Wayne’s books and ministry, visit www.lifestream.org

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


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Episode 8: An Interview With Author Wayne Jacobson (part 1)

Part 1 of this two part interview on The Love Cast, best selling author Wayne Jacobsen (collaborator of the New York Times best selling book The Shack & So You Don’t Want To Go To Church Anymore, and several other books) shares details of his journey from seminary to church pastor, through his experience with betrayal, and his departure from organized religion. In this episode of The Love Cast, Wayne talks about his personal journey dealing with betrayal and character assassination, and his awakening to the reality of the body of Christ outside of groups and religious institutions. Wayne also touches on his rejection of the destructive religious doctrine of the cross called ‘Penal Substitution Theory‘.

Give this episode a careful listen, you will be blessed!

Wayne Jacobsen was a collaborator on the New York Times best selling book The Shack. Wayne is also the author of the following best selling books:

He Loves Me

Finding Church

So You Don’t Want To Go To Church Anymore.

For more information about Wayne’s books and ministry, visit www.lifestream.org

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


Or you can listen directly here:


Episode 7: The Expanses of Love: Discovering Marriage With Patrick & Samara

There is a vast difference between getting married and discovering marriage. In this episode of The Love Cast, you will hear the wedding ceremony of friends Patrick & Samara and the message that Jamal gave at their recent wedding ceremony.  In this ceremony, Jamal talks about the ‘expanse’ of love, and why no one actually gets married on their wedding day.  Give it a careful listen and be blessed!

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast, would you consider doing that? Also, if you appreciate some of the things shared there, would you consider rating and reviewing The Love Cast on iTunes? It makes a big difference! Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen, subscribe, and write a review as well:


Or you can listen Directly HERE.

Episode 6: An Interview With Quoir Publishing Owner Ralph Polendo (Part 2)

Part 2 of this two part interview is marked by the gift of controversy! Ralph talks specifically about a few controversial books that have shaped him and helped propel him in his spiritual journey. He also talks about a new (and potentially controversial) Valentine’s Day tradition that he and his wife have established. Finally, Ralph talks about the vision behind Quoir Publishing, the controversy and explosive growth surrounding Quoir’s first year, as well as their future projects.

If you’ve had the opportunity to listen to part 1 of this interview, you will love part 2 as Ralph gets into more controversial parts of his journey that will also have implications for your life as well. Give this a listen and enjoy!

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast, would you consider doing that? Also, if you appreciate some of the things shared there, would you consider rating and reviewing The Love Cast on iTunes? It makes a big difference! Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen, subscribe, and write a review as well:


Or you can listen to today’s episode of The Love Cast directly HERE.

Episode 5: An Interview With Quoir Publishing Owner Ralph Polendo (part 1)

In part one of this two part interview on The Love Cast, Ralph discusses how a couple of radical acts of love established his family in the Southern California area, his experience in the institutional church, and his journey out of that system. Ralph also discusses some challenges he’s had in his discovery of authentic Christian community and his journey into an understanding of the gospel that he once considered ‘heresy’.

This is part one of a two part interview. Give it a listen and be blessed!

In addition to his duties as owner and CEO of Quoir Publishing, Ralph recently served as the national user experience manager in the corporate offices of Taco Bell for their internal web site. Ralph is now a Creative Director for a wealth management company in the Southern California area.

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast, would you consider doing that? Also, if you appreciate some of the things shared there, would you consider rating and reviewing The Love Cast on iTunes? It makes a big difference! Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen, subscribe, and write a review as well:


Or you can listen to Episode 5 of The Love Cast directly HERE.

Episode 4: The Fatherhood of God In The Face of A Golden Retriever!

In this podcast, I share a recent life changing encounter with a golden retriever and how the character and nature of God as father was revealed through this experience. In this episode, I also describe the two major reasons why this encounter was initially offensive to me and others affected by a religious mindset. Jesus’ words about the nature of the father from Matthew 7:9-11 are also discussed. This encounter with the golden retriever has deep implications for all of us!

In this episode (episode 4), I also give an update of a couple of upcoming interviews coming to The Love Cast in the next few weeks. If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast, would you consider doing that? Also, if you appreciate some of the things shared there, would you consider rating and reviewing The Love Cast on iTunes? It makes a big difference! Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen, subscribe, and write a review as well:


Or you can listen to episode 4 of The Love Cast directly HERE.

Episode 3: An Interview With THE Valorie Clark

If you know me, you know that I LOVE people. I think people are the world’s greatest gifts. One of the more destructive aspects of the religious mindset is the way it blinds us from seeing light in all people. The more I have journeyed out of the evangelical mindset, the more I have been able to see the reality of John 1:4 which states: “In him was life, and that life was the light of ALL mankind”. I love that John states that this light (Christ) is the light of ALL!

As you may know, I had the privilege of writing my book Free To Love from a little coffee shop in Dallas. It was at that coffee shop that I had the opportunity to interact with a human being who is full of light named Valorie Clark. Valorie was a barista at that shop, and I could see that Valorie is a significant person. Amazingly, Valorie was in the Redlands area for a few hours the other day, so I decided to interview her on the Love Cast.

In the interview, Valorie discusses her journey into political activism through a Washington D.C. based non-profit organization, her transition into the coffee / barista world, her struggle with depression, her quest to discover the reality of home through traveling, and her upcoming move to Paris to attend the prestigious Columbia University. Wonderful nuggets of gold are deposited throughout the conversation. Give this interview a listen and discover them!

Here is the link to the podcast on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-love-cast-with-jamal/id1126696772

Or listen to Episode 3 of The Love Cast directly HERE.