Every birth is the Christmas story.
In EVERY conception is the Christmas story. It is the Divine and the human coming together in each and every conception.
Chances are, you have probably been told that the Christmas story is only about the birth of one man, two thousand years ago, who was the light of the world. The Christmas story is typically understood as the divine incarnating as a human being (Jesus) who is called Emmanuel (which means God with us). Chances are, you've been told that Jesus is the real reason for the Christmas season. If this is the case, I believe you are actually missing the main point of the Christmas story. The real lasting and enduring power of the Christmas story isn't only about the human incarnation of divinity through the birth of Jesus, its about divine incarnation in each and every birth.
Before you react negatively to this reframing of the Christmas story, let me encourage you to listen in entirety to this latest episode of The Love Cast as my bride Taylor and I discuss why the real miracle of Christmas points to the birth of humanity as a whole (including you and me), not just one man. The implications for our lives are many.
Listen on iTunes here:
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