Episode 132: Is It Hot vs Cold, or Is It Hot & Non-Hot?

Is cold the opposite of heat?  Is hate the opposite of love?  Is darkness the opposite of light?  Is death the opposite of life? Is poverty the opposite of abundance?


There is only heat.  There is only love.  There is only light.  There is only life.  There is only abundance.  

What is called coldness is simply a lack of awareness of heat. Coldness is substance-less, but heat is substance. What is called hate is simply a lack of awareness of love.  Hate is substance-less, but love is substance. What is called darkness is simply a lack of awareness of light. Darkness is substance-less, but light is substance.  What is called death is simply a lack of awareness of being. Death is substance-less, but life is substance.  What is called poverty is simply a lack of awareness of abundance. Poverty is substance-less, but abundance is substance.  

Failure to understand this reality leads to unnecessary duality and an opposition & struggle against that which simply doesn't exist.       

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