Episode 42: Can Conversion Be A Perpetual Way of Life? A Conversation With Aly Sousa

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal has a conversation with Aly Sousa about the nature of conversion.  In this conversation, conversion is looked at from the perspective of the present tense. What if conversion isn't something that happens once in the past, but is a continual state of being?  What if all of life is an opportunity to continually be converted?  What would it look like to surrender to the flow of life and see what is happening as an opportunity for conversion?  Grab a cup of coffee and give this conversation about conversion a listen.   

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


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Episode 41: Mustache March & My Existential Crisis

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal talks about a male only club that he is a part of that celebrates masculinity by growing mustaches for the month of March. Jamal also discusses how growing a mustache caused him to have an existential crisis. In addition to this, we talk about how Jesus set the example for us to identify with our true eternal nature that has no beginning or end and cannot be shaken by anything temporal. Our true nature transcends time and space and physicality. Give this episode a careful listen and enjoy.  

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:


For the month of April, Quoir Publishing is offering the Kindle version of all their titles, (including my book 'Free To Love'), for only 99 cents!  Get in on this offer HERE. 

Episode 40: Why Salvation Often Escapes Christianity

Contrary to popular opinion, salvation actually has nothing to do with the 'afterlife'. In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal talks about the nature of salvation, and why the salvation that Jesus talked about is rarely experienced within Christianity.  In this episode, Jamal discusses why the concept of a 'future', as well as a focus on basic survival, actually distract us from the present-tense nature of salvation. Give this episode a listen and enjoy!    

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


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Episode 39: Jesus Our Brother & The Unlocking Power Of Touch: An Interview With Healing Codes Practitioner Krista Hoffman

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal interviews Krista Hoffman about her strict religious background and how that eventually came unraveled.  Krista also shares an experience about how a physical massage helped reveal the fact that memories and unprocessed feelings are physically stored in the body. Give this interview a careful listen. You'll find it fascinating.    

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:


The Amazon affiliate resources mentioned in this interview are:

The Healing Code by Dr. Alexander Loyd & Dr. Ben Johnson 

The Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton

Episode 38: Why The Concept of 'Biblical' Is Not Biblical, & Why The Kingdom of God Is For Lovers, Not Lawyers

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal discusses the controversy in Christian fundamentalist circles surrounding the recently released 'Shack' film, and why the quest to be 'biblical' is not actually very biblical.  This episode requires careful thought and open minded consideration.  Please refrain from reactions and commentary until you have listened to this message in its entirety.

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:



Episode 37: An Interview With Singer / Songwriter (and former star of ABC's The Bachelorette) Brady Toops: Part 2

This is part 2 of an epic two part interview with singer / songwriter (and season 11 star of ABC's The Bachelorette) Brady Toops. In part 2 of this interview, Brady continues to talk about his spiritual journey, his deconstructing and reconstructing understanding of God, and also a bit about his time on the Bachelorette.  Part 2 of this interview concludes with another single from Brady's new record Tried & True. Again, this interview has the potential to be paradigm altering and is not for the faint of heart.   

Brady's music has over 2 million spins on Spotify and he was recently named "one of our favorite new artists" by RELEVANT Magazine. Taking a slight haitus from touring in 2015, Brady appeared on Season 11 of ABC's hit reality TV show "The Bachelorette". As one of the 25 suitors looking to win the heart of the Bachelorette, Brady left the show during the first night's rose ceremony to pursue one of the Bachelorettes who was voted off, a unique twist for that season. Fresh off a highly adventurous summer with a surplus of emotions and newfound experiences, Brady took the inspiration and disappeared into the studio to write and record 10 new songs. The record that ensued is his boldest and most honest record to date showcasing a rootsy, soulful sound that builds off his previous work.

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:



Brady's forthcoming record "Tried & True" will officially release March 11th, 2017, but is available for pre-order on Amazon here:


(This link is associated with the amazon affiliate program) 


Episode 36: An Interview With Singer / Songwriter (and former star of ABC's The Bachelorette) Brady Toops: Part 1

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal conducts part 1 of an epic two part interview with singer / songwriter (and season 11 star of ABC's The Bachelorette) Brady Toops. In this interview, Brady shares a bit of his personal history, his spiritual journey, the deconstruction of his faith, and the evolution of his career. Part 1 of this interview concludes with a single from Brady's new record Tried & True. This interview has the potential to be paradigm altering and is not for the faint of heart.   

Brady's music has over 2 million spins on Spotify and he was recently named "one of our favorite new artists" by RELEVANT Magazine. Taking a slight haitus from touring in 2015, Brady appeared on Season 11 of ABC's hit reality TV show "The Bachelorette". As one of the 25 suitors looking to win the heart of the Bachelorette, Brady left the show during the first night's rose ceremony to pursue one of the Bachelorettes who was voted off, a unique twist for that season. Fresh off a highly adventurous summer with a surplus of emotions and newfound experiences, Brady took the inspiration and disappeared into the studio to write and record 10 new songs. The record that ensued is his boldest and most honest record to date showcasing a rootsy, soulful sound that builds off his previous work.

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:


Brady's forthcoming record "Tried & True" will officially release March 11th, 2017, but is available for pre-order on Amazon here:


(This link is associated with the amazon affiliate program) 


Episode 35: Why I Went To Iraq & Why I Am Planning To Return; And Why YOUR Personal Conflict Is Affecting World Peace

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal talks about why he went to Iraq and the adventurous story surrounding that initial trip. Jamal also talks about why he is planning to return to Iraq. In addition to this, he also discusses why the conflicts you are experiencing in your own personal relationships are actually directly affecting global peace and security for all of humanity. (Yes, I'm being serious)  Grab an espresso and give this a careful listen.

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:




Episode 34: Why Valentine's Day Is My Anniversary & Birthday!

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal describes why Valentine's Day is a major anniversary for him, and he also shares something new and exciting that is in the process of being birthed right now!  Take a few minutes and give this Valentine's Day update a careful listen. 

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:


Episode 33: Chronic Illness & Unconscious Destructive Theology: A Conversation With Aly Sousa (part 2)

This episode of The Love Cast is part two of a conversation that Jamal recently had with Aly Sousa about how the story of her life and the hidden / unconscious theology she held to contributed to chronic illness in her life.

Give part two of this interview a careful listen. You’ll be glad you did!

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:



(Resources mentioned in this podcast were:  One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp & Switch On Your Brain by Dr. Caroline Leaf.  Links to these two books are Amazon affiliate links.)    


This episode of The Love Cast is part one of a two part interview with Aly Sousa about how a supernatural vision (very similar to a near death experience) allowed her to rewrite the story of her life. This ultimately led to radical forgiveness, and ultimately to the healing of her chronic illnesses that she suffered with for several years.

Grab a hot chocolate and give this interview a listen.

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:


Episode 31: Coming Out of The Closet & Rob Bell: An Interview With Karen Shock

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal interviews Karen Shock from Fort Wayne, Indiana. In this interview, Karen publicly comes out of the closet about her journey out of Calvinism & evangelicalism, and also about a previous secret encounter with the infamous Rob Bell.

Karen also boldly shares how Calvinistic and evangelical beliefs lead her into a seven year bout with severe anxiety and depression, and how Disney movies helped bring healing to her heart.

Give this beautiful interview a listen and enjoy!

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:



(Resource mentioned in this podcast is Love Wins by Rob Bell.  This is an Amazon affiliate link) 

Episode 30: The Psychology of Facebook Blocking

Have you ever been blocked or ‘de-friended’ by someone on Facebook, or in life?

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal talks about a recent situation in which he was blocked by someone on Facebook, and why understanding the psychology behind Facebook blocking is so important for us to understand for our own well-being. Grab a coffee and give this episode a listen.

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:


Episode 29: Walking Away From Church, Complementary & Egalitarian Views of Gender, And Finding Security In Insecurity: An Interview With Aly & Dave Sousa

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal interviews Aly & Dave Sousa about why taking a two year sabbatical from ‘church’ was one of their best decisions. Aly & Dave also talk about why complementarian views of gender are destructive to marriages and relationships. In addition to this, Aly & Dave talk about how finding security within the insecurity of religious deconstruction has been helpful and healing to them.

Grab a latte and give this interview a listen.

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:


Episode 28: Blooming Where You're Planted, Dreaming of The Future, & Overcoming Anxiety: An Interview With 11 Year Old Dancer Ella Snavely

In this episode of The Love Cast, I have the privilege of interviewing 11 year old dancer Ella Snavley about her passion for dancing, her dreams in life, her struggle with fear and anxiety, and some practical ways she has been able to overcome fear and anxiety in her life.

To date, Ella is the youngest person to be interviewed on The Love Cast. She is someone who is truly wise beyond her years. This interview with Ella is a fantastic way to start off the New Year as her contagious and joyful heart will inspire you to dream about how your life can be used to love and serve others in a fresh way this year. Give this short interview a listen and enjoy!

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:


Episode 27: The Top 5 Episodes of The Love Cast & My Long Lost French Teacher

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal discloses the top 5 most downloaded episodes of 2016. In addition to that, Jamal talks about a true Christmas miracle that occurred in which Jamal found his French teacher who has been missing from him for the last almost twenty years!

Give this final episode of 2016 a listen and enjoy.

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:



(Resource mentioned in this episode is When God Winks by SQuire Rushnell. This link is an Amazon affiliate link.) 


Episode 26: The Abuse of A Mother, The Brain-Washing of A Cult, And The Love of Men: An Interview With Author Geneva Chinnock

In this episode of The Love Cast,

Jamal interviews author Geneva Chinnock about the trauma and abuse she experienced as a child living with a mother who suffered with mental illness, as well as her family’s involvement in a cult. Geneva also talks about the healing she has since experienced through close relationships with other men in addition to her husband.

Give this interview a listen as Geneva shares a bit about her journey from slavery and abuse, to love and freedom.

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:



(Resource mentioned in this podcast is Becoming His Beloved: Journey Into The Father's Affection by Geneva Chinnock.  This is an Amazon affiliate link.) 

Episode 25: Why Jesus Never Talked About Jesus

This episode of The Love Cast, Jamal talks about the fact that Jesus almost never talked about himself and was not interested in spreading ideas and information about himself. So, why are many Christians so preoccupied with this?

Is it possible to be distracted by the idea of Jesus? If Jesus didn’t talk about himself, what was his real message? Could there be a better WAY?

Give this episode of The Love Cast a careful listen and enjoy…

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:


Episode 24: Breaking Out of Prison With Adriel Johnson

This episode of The Love Cast, Jamal interviews Adriel Johnson about his daring escape from prison and how this led to him finding his dream job and living the dream life with his family.

Grab a cup of coffee and give this interview a listen. Adriel’s outlook and perspective on life, even in the midst of great struggle, will change the way you live your life and will greatly affect your future!

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:


Episode 23: Why?

Are you a student, an artist (writer, musician, painter, designer, etc…) a salesperson, a business owner, a factory worker, a doctor, etc…? Why do you really do what it is that you do? In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal challenges us to ask the question ‘WHY’ in regards to the profession that we devote so much of our lives to. In this episode, Jamal explores two common (yet often hidden) motivations as to why people do what they do. In addition to this, Jamal also talks about the highest motivation for our work.

This episode was created in the spirit of healthy introspection. Give this episode a careful listen, and join us in asking the often overlooked question ‘WHY’.

If you haven’t subscribed to The Love Cast yet, would you consider doing that? Here is the link on iTunes where you can listen to this episode, subscribe, and write a review as well:


or you can listen directly here:
