Episode 124: Liability or Asset?

Do you *FEEL* like a liability, or an asset?  

In this episode of The Love Cast, I discuss what 99% of our poor and middle class society has never been taught, but what the 1% of the wealthy in society seem to realize.  Viewing our life through liability energy at the subconscious level affects every aspect of our lives from our relationships, to our health, to our finances.  Give this episode a careful listen...  

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Episode 123: Honoring The Law of Least Effort

Did you know that violating the law of least effort leads to burnout, relational breakdown, and the perpetuation of poverty?  Most of us have been conditioned to believe in the hard work ethic, but true, sustainable, and effective accomplishment occurs by honoring the law of least effort.  Give this episode a listen to find out more...   

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Episode 122: What Billy Graham & Louis Pasteur Can Teach Us About Evolution

Did you know that evangelical evangelist Billy Graham and microbiologist Louis Pasteur are both influential figures that are largely known for beliefs and theories that they espoused early in life but came to disavow in their later years? 

In the case of Louis Pasteur, most modern medical understanding of the immune system (and present day treatment protocols) are rooted in ideas he espoused early in life, but later disavowed.  So, why is Louis Pasteur known and celebrated for his earlier ideas and not his later discovery?  The same can be said for Billy Graham.  In this episode of The Love Cast, I talk about what Billy Graham and Louis Pasteur can teach us about the virtues of personal evolution.   

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Episode 121: Why Was My Post About Censorship Shared 459 Times?

Do you know why my Facebook post about censorship was shared 459 times so far?

In this episode of The Love Cast, I talk about the flawed psychology of censorship, and what is at the root of the desire to censor others we may disagree with.  Censorship and ridicule of those we disagree with always speaks more about the nature of our own state of mind than those we are trying to censor or ridicule.  External forms of censorship are ultimately a mirror of an internal state of censorship.  Give this very important episode a careful listen...   

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Episode 120: Great News...I Have Shingles!

In this episode of The Love Cast, I talk about my current bout with a very painful health condition called shingles (caused by the herepes zoster virus) and why this is actually great news for me.  I made some very significant discoveries that have important implications for us all.  Give this episode a careful listen... 

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Episode 119: You Become What You Oppose.

In this episode of The Love Cast, I talk about the little known or understood reality which states: "we become that which we oppose".  While disagreement is a natural part of life, operating from the energy of opposition keeps us mis-aligned from our highest and most empowered self.  

In this podcast, I talk about the three step process that will take us out of opposition energy, and into an energy that aligns with our highest self.  This might be my most important podcast to date...

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Episode 118: Impregnable Immunity Against The Virulent Virus of Victimhood

Although our current national conversation is about the virus, there is a much more prevalent viral condition that is being exposed and brought to the surface in this season of upheaval.  I'm speaking of the virulent virus of victimhood.  In this episode of The Love Cast, I share a three step process that can help us overcome the virus of victimhood and also help relieve the debilitating effects of anxiety and depression as well.  Give this episode a careful listen...

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Episode 117: Ignorance is Unconsciousness to What We Already Know.

What is going on?  Why is this year (2020) so tumultuous?  How could the 'experts' get the predictions so wrong about the virus?  How can I trust the media and government leaders who warn of the grave dangers and selfishness of opening businesses and not wearing masks in public, and yet rave about and defend mass gatherings of protestors at the same time?  How do we know what to believe? 

Have you asked these same questions?  In these tumultous times, it's imperative that we have access to a reliable and trustworthy source of knowledge.  I am convinced that human beings were not designed to live in perpetual ignorance, but in pure awareness.  Ignorance is simply unconsciousness to what we already know.

In this episode of The Love Cast, I share how you can become someone who is all knowing by becoming conscious of what you already know.  Give this episode a careful listen...    

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Episode 116: Do You Speak The Language of The Herd, or The Heard?

It's been said that "a riot is the language of the unheard", but do you know what the language of the heard is? 

It seems that a vast majority of people in our society (the herd) feel unheard.  In this episode of The Love Cast, I talk about why speaking the language of the unheard leads to more unhearing, and I also talk about how to replace this faulty language with the more empowering language of the heard.  May we transition away from speaking the language of the herd, and start speaking the language of the heard.  Give this episode a careful listen...         

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Episode 115: Why I Decided NOT to Participate in Blackout Tuesday.

In response to the media coverage of George Floyd's tragic death and the subsequent national unrest, a social media campaign called Blackout Tuesday was designed to be a show of support and solidarity for the black community and a demonstration against the tragedy of George Floyd's death.  I, however, made a choice not to participate in blackout Tuesday or any subsequent protests. 

In this episode of The Love Cast, I share in significant detail why I am deciding not to participate in these protests and also the three major observations about the American media that I feel compelled to share with you in this episode. 

Although I feel this information in this podcast is important, I do know that not everyone will appreciate or receive this information well in light of our current polarized discourse.  My goal in this podcast is to provide you with a perspective that you may not have considered for your emotional and physical health.  There is a lot of information shared in this episode that I feel needs to be considered. 

With that said, if you feel this podcast may trigger you or cause you anxiety, it may be best for you not to listen to this episode.  If you do make the choice to listen to this episode, please listen to this entire episode from start to finish as this episode will require careful consideration and intentional hearing.  Please respond to the entirety of this conversation, especially the conclusion of this podcast.  Thanks very much.   

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Episode 114: Dear America, Your Puppet Strings Keep Getting Pulled.

Do you know the difference between anger and rage? How about disease and health?  

In the last few months, our society has been pulled in two traumatic directions with the use of fear, and now rage.  Fear and rage are the two puppet strings that keep getting pulled to manipulate our society.  Complex issues like health and racism can only be solved by those who are liberated from the puppet strings of fear and rage.  Please give this episode a careful listen...

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Episode 113: The Necessity of Prostitution

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal discusses the mindset of prostitution, and how this mindset is actually programmed into us at very early ages and affects us all, including society’s top levels of leadership. Give this episode a careful listen…

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Episode 111: Stop Blaming The Mirror.

Do you find yourself getting agitated by current events? 

Are you angry with the government (president, congress, republicans, democrats, etc...)? 

Do you find yourself lashing out more with the loved ones in your life, or ranting on social media?

Did you know that the situations and people that are deeply affecting us are actually a mirror of our own consciousness? 

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal talks about why it is imperative that we stop judging and resisting that which is serving as our mirror, and start healing the source of the reflection we have been reactive to. 

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Episode 112: Why Healing Is An Inside Job: An Interview With The Drs. Marquis

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal interviews Dr. Marisa Marquis, Doctor of Chiropractic, and her husband Dr. Todd Marquis, about their journey away from terminal disease and into health.  A few years ago, Dr. Todd Marquis was on death's door suffering from heart failure with an estimated one to two years left to live.  Today, Dr. Todd Marquis is alive and well, free of heart failure, and free of the numerous medications that were once keeping him alive.  In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal interviews Drs. Marisa & Todd Marquis about why health is an inside job, and how this holistic philosophy to life saved his life.  

The Drs. Marquis are on a mission to spread health and improve mindset through community outreach, education, and in-office services at Riverside Family Chiropractic.  Dr. Marisa is a Max Living chiropractor and Dr. Todd has a PhD and certificates in mindset.  The Drs. Marquis were recently nominated for the top 100 Healthcare Leaders award due to their dedication to community outreach. Give this important conversation a careful listen...    

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Episode 110: An Interview With Film Producer & Entrepreneur Bobby Downes- Part II

This is part two of a two part interview with film producer & entrepreneur Bobby Downes...

I recently had the privilege of sitting down with a dear friend of mine, Bobby Downes, for this episode of The Love Cast.  Bobby is an award winning film & TV producer, as well as an experienced entrepreneur who created and served as President, Chief Executive Officer, and Chief Strategy Officer, of several multi-million dollar companies.  In addition to Bobby's work in the film industry, from 2006-2008, Bobby helped finance, develop the branding, and collaborated on the writing of the #1 New York Times' best selling novel 'The Shack'. 

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Episode 109: An Interview With Award Winning Film & TV Producer & Entrepreneur Bobby Downes.

I had the privilege of sitting down with a dear friend of mine, Bobby Downes, for this episode of The Love Cast.  Bobby is an award winning film & TV producer, as well as an experienced entrepreneur who created and served as President, Chief Executive Officer, and Chief Strategy Officer, of several multi-million dollar companies.  In addition to Bobby's work in the film industry, from 2006-2008, Bobby helped finance, develop the branding, and collaborated on the writing of the #1 New York Times' best selling novel 'The Shack'. 

This episode of The Love Cast is part one of a two part interview where Bobby talks about his journey in life, his deconstruction from evangelicalism, and his courageous decision to give his company away.  Bobby is a gift to many people, and I believe this conversation will greatly enrich your life.

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Episode 107: This Is Happening At The Right Time- A Response To The Corona Virus With Dr. Katy Valentine

Triggers and challenges are opportunities to process past trauma and up-level our mode of being. Triggers and challenges are not comfortable, but they come to us at the exact right time when we are ready to move forward. We are all experiencing a collective ‘trigger’ right now with news of the pandemic causing lots of distress for us collectively. This is all happening at the exact right time. In this episode of The Love Cast, Dr. Katy Valentine returns to the podcast to join me for an important conversation about our current events surrounding the virus and how we can respond in a way that brings peace and healing to ourselves and the wider world. Give this episode a careful listen.

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Episode 106- Fear Not My Friends, We've Been Training For This.

Hi friends,

What a tumultuous last few days we have experienced. If you’ve been feeling anxious and unsettled about current events surrounding the spread of the Corona virus, that is completely understandable. With that said, I want to encourage you. In the midst of this upheaval, I believe that tremendous and needed change is on the horizon for us. In times like these, our perspective matters. In the uncertainty of our times is an opportunity and a necessity to radically shift our consciousness away from previous conditioned responses of lack and fear, and into healing states of love and peace on a daily and even hourly basis. For many of us, this is a fresh opportunity to put into practice all the new modalities of self care and awareness that we have been integrating into our lives. Simply put, we’ve been preparing for a time such as this. This is no time to shrink back to past patterns of lack and fear. Please give this important episode a careful listen:

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Episode 105: How To Prepare For, And Respond To, The Non-Flu.

You may be familiar with the flu, but are you familiar with the non-flu?  In the long run, being prepared for and responding to the non-flu is much more vital for life and health.  In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal shares three potentially life saving responses to the non-flu.  These responses are:

1. Notice the non-flu.

2. Appreciate the non-flu. 

3. Cultivate the non-flu. (both physically and spiritually) 

Give this timely and important episode a careful listen.    

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Episode 104: What Divorce Taught Us About Love & Marriage

In any post mortem of a relationship that has ended, it can be discovered what led to the death of the relationship, and conversely, what is essential for relationships to survive and thrive.  In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal & Taylor discuss how their previous divorce helped them see that these three components are vital for any marriage / committed relationship to thrive:

1. Awareness 

2. Presence 

3. Sensuality / Sexuality 

If you are in a committed partnership / marriage, or you desire to be, this episode is for you.  

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