Pro Tip #2: Your Reaction Is Your Attraction...

Your Reaction Is Your Attraction.

All reactions have a past reference point, and nothing new ever comes from the past. 

People who incessantly talk about how they have been the victim of abuse or have been victimized by life rarely experience sustainable healing and empowerment. This is because they have unconsciously built their identity around their ‘struggle’.

Just observe these people. The drama and struggle never change for them. In their seeking of validation, they never seem to get it. 

Whatever you identify with will become your level of experience. We may have experienced pain and suffering in our past, but there is a way to release that pain without becoming identified by it. 

There is a vast difference between having been victimized in your past, and being a victim now. 

Becoming empowered requires that we lose the victim identity which always has a past reference point. Nothing new can ever happen in the past. Newness happens now. Our point of reference becomes our point of attraction. 

Shifting out of a past conditioned reference point to a new reference point rooted in the infinite possibilities of the present is a daily choice and practice. May we learn how to embrace this daily process today.

P.S. If you’d like a further breakdown of this important Pro Tip, you can watch a fuller video explanation on my YouTube channel HERE.

Also, If you’d like to explore how my life coaching program may help you move beyond limiting patterns from your past, click HERE.