When you don’t know what decision to make, how to move forward in life, or how to evaluate whether something is successful and going well or not, do not evaluate the results, evaluate the sensation.
Pro Tip # 6: Anxiety and fear of being judged by others is actually a sign of an inflamed ego...
Pro Tip # 5: "Success" & "Failure" Are Unnecessary Mental Concepts That Restrict The Blossoming of Life...
Pro Tip # 4: Disagreements & Arguments Waste Your Life, But Seeking Understanding Expands It.
Pro Tip # 3: Determine What You Really Want... Solutions, or Sympathy?
Pro Tip #2: Your Reaction Is Your Attraction...
Pro Tip #1: Whatever We Resist Will Persist...
Unrelenting Focus...
Amy’s story is the embodiment of the main message in my book ‘Living for a Living,’” explains Jamal. “You won’t feel fulfilled if you’re just existing to pay the bills. We need to shift our focus beyond simply surviving, to discovering the ‘Why’ of our very existence. Amy’s story is truly miraculous and she is an example for all of us on how knowing our ‘Why’ can lead to a fulfilling career of service to others.